
Viola found a family

Viola, our little runt of the litter, has found a home with a little family that has 2 grade school girls and a preschool boy! Their beagle had died just 2 months ago and that beagle was the runt of the litter too.  They felt an immediate bond. A match made in heaven! Adopted: June 26, 2012, we are delighted! Happy trails, Sugar Lips!


Welcome Home, Miranda!

Miranda has moved in with us! She and her Mommy are staying with us, Miranda, because it is her new home, and the Angel baby because nature is taking it's course again and no one, she least of all, is ready for another set of little lovies.

They are enjoying their time together but Angel baby or should I say Angel Momma has all the instincts to correct 6 puppies and using it all on poor little Miranda chile'.

Angel Momma is having a couple weeks of spa time with the girls before going back to the guys.  Our yard has been over run with bunnies all spring but now, just one week and one happy bunny hunter later, they are all keeping their distance.

Happily Miranda took the long drive here like a Rip Van Winkle trooper and slept most of the way.  It may have helped that the ones she loves the most were visible the whole way (Angel Momma and Bonny.)

Thanks for all the time and work you put into the breeding and care of our baby.  She makes us so happy!


Who is THAT?

To keep the crumb-crunchers from frolicing through to chow we put a handfull of kibble and a dish of formula on the fireplace, easy access, yet hard to step in accidentally.

"Don't even think about it, Pal, this chow is MINE!"
 A couple days ago I caught Sebastian checking out the strange pup in the glass while going for a snack. The puppy in the corner is Miranda.