

Eternal Rest Grant Unto Them, O Lord...

Get ready!  
It is almost time to spend some quality time at the cemetery.

The first week of November, the first through the eighth, offers every baptized Christian in the state of grace* a chance to obtain a plenary indulgence for the poor souls in purgatory each day
 by doing some very simple things.  

First, make it your intention to gain an indulgence. (Decide to and that step is done.)

Second, do whatever act is required, in this case, visit a cemetery each of the eight days and while you do, pray for the souls whose earthly remains are buried there.   A prayer like this is typical:

 "Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them, may they rest in peace. Amen  
May their souls and all the souls of the faithful departed, through the mercy of God, rest in peace. Amen"

(Do you want some more formal prayers? Here is a link to some prayers that were made specifically for a week of prayer for our beloved dead in Purgatory:  )

Third, each day, receive Eucharistic communion.  Go to daily mass and receive communion at communion time.  (In some places this will be the hardest part, finding a daily mass. Your effort is VERY pleasing to God, so try as hard as you can.)  

Fourth, While at mass,  pray for the Holy Father's intentions (whatever he is praying for, God knows even if we don't, so leave the actual intention in God's hands), praying an Our Father and a Creed should be enough.

There, You've done it. This small act of Love has helped those souls still suffering torment to be released and now they can intercede on your behalf before the altar of God in the Heavenly Jerusalem.
Ask them to join you in prayer for someone or some other special intention.

*  How can I tell if I am in the state of grace?

The state of grace is something you should try to maintain in everyday life, those not in the state of grace when they die cannot enter paradise, they cannot get into heaven.  Fortunately, it is very easy to obtain this favorable condition. 

     A sacramental confession is the normal way to ensure that you are in the state of grace.  Most Catholic priests will drop everything in order to hear the confession of Catholics who sincerely desire to receive this sacrament.  (As for non-Catholics, Tell the priest what you are trying to do and ask what you must do to receive this sacrament.) 

      To receive this sacrament worthily, you need to examine your life to see if there are any times or occasions in which you turned away from God deliberately, like disobeying the ten commandments even though you knew it was wrong.  See if there are any occasions in which you habitually disobey and consciously choose to detach yourself from those times and resolve to avoid them from now on.  

      Regret for your sins is contrition.  The next step to the state of grace is contrition.  Being sorry for your sins because you don't want to miss out on Heaven or because you are afraid of Hell is enough to get you through this step and closer the state of grace, but you may find something else stirring in you as you pray, sorrow for your sins because you have hurt One who loves you so much that He died to save you from your own selfishness and pride.  This kind of Contrition is very pleasing to God, and opens up your heart up wide to receive even more grace.  

     Now, find a priest.   Most priests hear confessions on Saturday, either in the morning after daily Mass or in the afternoon before the evening Mass, this is their regular confession time when they are waiting for people to come to confession.  Check the local Catholic church's website for the times for the Sacrament of Penance.  If you don't want to wait until Saturday, you can call to make an appointment.  Most priests will be delighted to help. 

      If it has been a very long time since you have received this sacrament, tell that to the priest, tell him you may need help making a good confession.  At some time during the process of sacramental confession the priest will probably give you a penance, usually a prayer or a Bible verse that he will ask you to pray when you leave, and he will probably ask you to recite an "act of contrition" this is a prayer that, if you don't know it, he will help you to recite.  It will formalize the contrition you excited in your heart earlier and help you to say out loud those sentiments (a big step for your soul).

     As you leave the confessional or the office or wherever you received this sacrament and while you pray the penance the priest gave you, make a firm commitment to change your life for the better and to avoid sin and to return to confession often to maintain the renewed life of grace you have begun.  

Congratulations on your new life of grace, now add to the graces you have received by praying every day to God living in your soul, and remember to pray for me when you do.     


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