

God's Jokes

As we set out on the path of life
Each one has his load,
The burdens that we carry
Down the twisting road.

Sometimes it seems we are alone
No one we see is near,
Yet God always stays beside us
And shows he holds us dear.

"How can I know this?" you may ask,
"Where can I see his hand?"
He's there in every little task-
He's there in every grand.

He shows his face, a laughing face,
A face that's creased with smiles,
That shows itself in little jokes,
In ways to count the miles.

Sometimes a plan so carefully made
It goes a bit awry?
A mixed up mess, a bit more stress,
A broken apple pie?

God's little jokes, the way he cares,
He's with us all the while,
They give us strength as we hear his voice,
"I'm with you now, so smile!"

And what about those harder times?
When God seems so far away?
When darkness closes on all sides
And night chases off the day?

Remember, God stays with you,
Through every twist and bend
And the path that perhaps we fear the most
Saves us in the end.

Then when at last we see the light
And get back on our path,
Perhaps we'll turn around-
And see God's jokes- and Laugh!

(This came to me at the busiest moment of the day- I was tying my cravat!)
Created by Bunny 12/2/12

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the reminder! More and more of my days are "one of those days".
