
Puppy update or "My, how you've grown!"

Center: Miranda today
#1 Miranda
#2 Napping in the schoolroom
#3 A firm Grip on her kitty
#4 Hunting of all sorts goes on
#5 When a big brother (Grover) comes to visit
#6 Baby and Momma are almost the same size!
It has been awhile and much water has been going under the bridge so to speak since my last post but I realized I have offered no puppy updates.  So, even though there is not much to say, there is very much more to show. Right now I can only show you Angel Momma and Miranda, but I should have more pictures soon. The puppies are getting HUGE!  Angel Momma is visiting for a while and she only has about an inch of height on her 5 month old daughter.  They are manic out in the backyard taking turns being the antagonist, getting themselves trapped under the deck (De-constructing the deck a bit made rescue possible), teasing the Beagle next door and the squirrels.    And in the school room? They mostly nap, or peek out the windows when they hear chipmunks scolding.  We have joined a church,  locked horns with the DOT (4 times) and complied to the best of our understanding with the state homeschool laws.  The school year has begun in earnest.  We will all be together for the Holiday weekend so I am hoping to get some pictures of the puppies all together. ( I think Angel Momma is getting homesick.) Then you will KNOW which dog handed off his height genes!  Keep in touch, comment when you can, we enjoy them. God bless you! Have a safe weekend!

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