
How to Challenge a Catholic in Truth-First Step

Learn the Catholic faith backwards and forwards-no one listens to a liar.

 I was doing my morning Bible study and found something that wanted deeper explanation so I typed the name of the book I was reading into my Google bar.  I do this occasionally and it provides for me a wide perspective of interpretations of scripture that are out there.  There are many great Catholic teachers helping to educate everyone on the beauty and truth of the scriptures.  Many, Many of the protestant versions too, have insightful and wise commentary on the Bible verses, but occasionally I run across something so strange that I have to comment.  Today was one of those days.  I ran up against an anti-Catholic blog and I have no intention of giving any more traffic to her blog, she was easy enough for me to find, so that is the extent of what you will learn about it from me.  I should note that the comments had been disabled...perhaps they were making too much sense.  The author of the blog began talking about a Bible verse then went on to say the "Catholic Church believes (one lie) and the Catholic Church believes (another lie)"... neither of which are true.  (I know because I have been living it and loving it (and teaching it for almost three decades) in my own life).

It was the fact that this person was lying that struck me.  In John 8:41-47 Jesus tells the pharisees that they are doing the works of their father-the father of lies.  They could not hear the truth.   So if this blogger is not hearing the truth, unwilling to listen to the truth or even find out if what she is saying is the truth before spreading the misinformation around, who's family does that place her in?  Why won't people who are anti-Catholic, wanting to destroy the faith of others, first find out for themselves what the truth about the Catholic Church really is?   Because they are afraid of the truth, they don't want to know the truth. The Church makes them uncomfortable, and more,  the truth really does hurt.  They may have to change their own ways.  Get rid of their pet sins.  But that is the work of all of our lives, to actually live a life of virtue.  That is what the Church challenges us to do and why Catholics love her so much.

 So, am I supposed to listen to these children of the father of lies and not comment?  I don't think any of us have been called to that.  So what is my response (besides this post), she won't let me post  a public comment on her blog?   I have decided to pray for this poor blind and lost child.  Today I add her to the list of people for whom I have promised to pray and at Mass this morning and every day she will be lifted up to God.   Although, to some, that may not seem like much, I have seen God work through prayers and I trust that he will change her heart or if she will not listen, make her lies ineffective and others blind to her work.  I will save my comments for God, and I will also love my neighbor.

"For the sake of His sorrowful passion, have mercy on us and on the whole world"

1 comment:

  1. Isn't it odd how people will spout out a lot of untruthful, hurtful things they have done no research on and in truth know nothing about, and then refuse to listen to the truth? It's almost as if they are afraid of it.
    How many people would have just have gotten angry and left the site? You are a true inspiration to me.
